Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Life in Photos: Aurora Bridge 2005

   Once the most popular bridge in Washington State for jumpers, the Aurora Bridge, which I just learned is actually called the George Washington Memorial Bridge, has been one of my favorite subjects of my photos since I moved to Seattle.  I have always had a fascination with structures built with a complete disregard for aesthetics.  Bridges sometimes fall into this category, as do factory machines and my favorite, temporary construction cranes.  Here is a photo taken with a Kodak Brownie Bullet on film that is now made only by a Croatian company.

Aurora Bridge
Taken with Kodak Brownie Bullet on Efke 127 R100

     The photo lab I use was a bit surprised to see this film the first time I brought it in, but they were able to process it without any issues and were even able to scan it, though they had to scan it on a flatbed, thus the dust.  127 has become one of my favorite formats to shoot in.