Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Instant Successes: Whidbey Island Ferry Crossing

     I grew up on the South end of Whidbey Island, so I have crossed the Mukilteo-Clinton ferry hundreds of times.  Occasionally, since my family still lives on "the rock," I have to cross over to the island to hand something off and then walk right back on the same ferry to go back home to "the mainland."  On one summer day a couple years ago I had to do just that.  I decided to take advantage of the situation by bringing my Polaroid 350 Land Camera, loaded with fresh batteries and a pack of Fujifilm FP-100C.  I was lucky enough to have to do this at twilight, too, and began my trip at the very beginning of the sunset.  It looked like this:

Mukilteo-Clinton Crossing
Taken with Polaroid 350 Land Camera on Fujifilm FP-100C

     The sunset simply became more and more stunning, as sunsets are wont to do.  I was, somewhat surprisingly, able to continue taking great photos despite our sun rapidly fleeing over the Olympic Mountain Range.  Here's one of the last good photos I was able to get before the gloaming came to a triumphant end.

Clinton-Mukilteo Crossing
Taken with  Polaroid 350 Land Camera  on Fujifilm FP-100C

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