Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Life in Photos: Cascade Mystery Warehouse

     Nobody who lives in Seattle uses the name Cascade for the Cascade neighborhood.  In fact, I don't think many people even know that it's the official name of what we fold into the South Lake Union moniker.  Either way, Cascade is a strange place to me.  There is a mixture of high-end condominiums, upscale hotels, expensive boutiques, corporate complexes, warehouses, factories, and one of the only hardware stores in the downtown corridor.  For the most part, these different types of edifices are grouped together, but there are a couple buildings that look really out of place in this neighborhood.  I am always looking at one in particular and wondering what could possibly be inside.  Surrounded by large office buildings and Seattle's oldest public park, its blue sheet metal siding and disheveled concrete slab bring to mind safe houses in mob movies.  I will probably never know what's actually in there.

Mystery Warehouse
Taken with Golden Half on expired Kodak Gold 200

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